
Friday 23 December 2011

Create & Craft Shows

Hi Everyone...

Just a quick note to let you know I have had some shows for Create & Craft confirmed for next week...
There's quite a few so I guess I'm going to be a busy boy over the festive season!

Here are the details:

Tuesday 27th at 9am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 5pm!
Wednesday 28th at 1pm, 2pm and 4pm
Thursday 29th at 11am, 2pm, 3pm and 5pm
Monday 2nd January at 9am, 11am and 12noon

These shows are a mixture of Hunkydory shows, Special Sale shows (some superb bargains to be had!!), Paper Clinic and a new printer show...

It looks like my Craft Ambassador role will be put to good use over the next week! Wish me luck!

Anyway, I hope you can watch and can find time to send me an email or two!

I'll take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful crafty Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!!

Thankyou all for your continued support and encouragement :o)

Saturday 10 December 2011

Create and Craft Shows

Morning Everyone

Just letting you know that I am back on Create and Craft next week :o)

All the shows are Brother shows, including some printers and labelling equipment... The particular printer I will be showing you is one that I love, especially for printing onto different textured cardstock...which is something I do alot of!

Anyhoo, the shows times are :-

Monday 12th December at 8am and 1pm and 3pm and 6pm (busy day!)

Tuesday 13th December at 10am and 7pm

Wednesday 14th December at 6pm

These are special 4 day deal shows and some of the products I will be showing are brand new, not been seen before, including the new A4  Printer (which would make a brill Christmas prezzy and addition to your crafting tools!)

Hope you can watch and remember too email in... I will find something to give away!

Happy Crafting!

Thursday 1 December 2011

Just For You... :o)

Morning Everyone

It's another cold start to the day here in Nottingham, the heating is on, I've mashed a cuppa and made this lil Christmas Text Background Paper for you.... 

It seems to be that designing papers is another addiction I can add to my list! :o)

As I'm off to Germany tomorrow to the Christmas markets for the weekend (in the hopes I can get a few of the  gifts on my list ticked off!) I thought I'd give you all a lil gift too...

I've literally just finished this one... I hope you like it :o)

Just click on the paper below and it will open in another window, then just right click on it and save on your computer....

And remember.... I'd love to see what you do with the paper, or indeed any of my others, so please do send me a photo of your projects... You never know, I may just pop it on the blog for all to see :o)

Happy Crafting!