
Sunday 24 July 2011

My Secret Project - well, one of them ;o)

Good Evening Everyone

I have soooo loved working on this secret project, mainly because it has taken me so long to finish it, but I have worked on it as and when I had had time to and not rushed it to completion!
This was something I wanted to do for display in the shop, but of course it incorporates lots of my favourite things, such as the Magnolia Images, Distressing, Stamping and lots of colouring in!

I bought the individual 5" letters in March this year, whilst I was at Olympia, yep, waaaay back in March!

Each letter has been distressed with Faded Jeans and Walnut Stain several times to get the colours just how I wanted them... especially as the inks just got soaked into the letters, I kind of liked that as it gave more depth.

I have them stamped the swirly pattern on the edges of the letters with brown ink and added glamour dust accents to them.... painstakingly with a quickie glue pen!

You all know how I love my colouring inn and I have probably spent more hours than an average working month colouring all these lovelies in... there are 5 shades of brown in Tildas hair! And three in each set of clothing!

Anyhoo... this is now displayed in the shop, high up on one of the walls so it can't be touched lol
The photos are not particularly good as I did them on my phone, but I promised  you photos tonight, so here they are :o)
PS - It is straight on the wall... It is just so big it was the only way I could get all the image on the photo! lol

I hope you love it as much as I do :o)
(Onto secret project no.2 now... it's already started lol)

Happy Crafting!

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Create & Craft Shows...

Hi Everyone

Just a quick post to let you all know that I have been quietly (ahem) in between everything else, doing my samples for this Sundays' (10th) shows on Create & Craft.

I will be on at
10am, 12noon and 3pm

I will be showcasing the fabulous Tulip Range at 10 and 3 and it's a toolshed at 12
(with some brilliant new products!)

Hope you can watch.... and remember to keep those emails coming... I love to hear from you all :o)

PS - I will have some very exciting news to share with you all ...... soon ;o)

Happy Crafting!
